Teri Althouse

I have been drawn to the arts all my life. I like to say some of my earliest works may still be found on the underside of a living room coffee table in some old antique shop! I started my official career in the arts as a teenager when I became a “studio hand” for a Minnesota artist. I worked my way through sign painting, caricature drawing, body painting, and crafting, and finally fell into faux finishing. After a very successful 30-year career, physical labor has caught up with me. I still love working on walls, but am finding myself taking smaller projects and spending more time in the art studio.

I love getting my hands on all kinds of artistic mediums and styles. I will paint bold color portraits in acrylics, play with encaustic wax and try my hand at oils when the mood strikes. I am particularly drawn to the medium of alcohol inks. I am in love with the vibrant colors and organic, flowing movement of the inks. The challenge of working with a fast-drying medium can be difficult, changing shape and color at will, not often laying down the same way twice. With the first drop of color, I lose track of all time and space, my mind gets quiet, and the creative process begins. Working with alcohol ink forces me to give up some control and let “art” happen.

Do you want to learn from Teri?

Alcohol inks with Teri Althouse, explore this unique medium of intensly pigmented dye in isopropyl alcohol and watch magic happen.


Thays França